Labradorský retriever
HAMLET, male
07.10.2001 - 22.09.2008
Rainbow Bridge
The Rainbow Bridge awaits – my friend,
The journey’s not too far,
A shaft of moonshine lights your path,
To guide you there’s a star,
Your friends are there to welcome you,
You’ll meet old pals again,
They’re waiting at ‘The Bridge’ my friend,
Calling out your name,
Don’t be afraid – you’ll be quite safe,
You cannot lose your way,
For many souls have trod this path,
As each is called away,
Go join the hounds at Rainbow Bridge,
Forever running free,
And though this earth you’ve left behind,
Your spirit’s here with me.
Hamlet sa trénuje a využíva na vyhľadávanie nezvestných osôb. Najradšej má vyhľadávanie v ruinách.
Skúšky: ZOP, RH - E